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So I was going for the theme of love/romance so I did my zine based off of a song that I knew. What I did to create my zine was I wrote the words and drew the pictures in pencil, outlined it in sharpie and also made the designs in sharpie and then used ink from a marker to give it color. I think the part that I did really well was the design in the background and the color choices. The one thing that I wish I could do well is my drawing cause I didn't draw the pictures that well. 


These are some portraits of myself and I kinda like them but I kinda don't like them. How I created my art was I found a picture of myself from my cell phone, drew a picture, shaded it in a black pencil, then carved it onto a block and finally ink-printed them on paper. I think what I did well was the ink-printing part because it was kind of an easy thing to do but also the drawing part. I think what I could've done better was the carving on the block because I kinda screwed up on some parts trying to carve (especially when I was carving the other side of my head).

Kayla's Template.png

This is my Geo-filter piece of things that represent myself. I put Cheez-Its on it because my favorite snack to eat is Cheez-Its. I put a strawberry on it because my favorite fruit is strawberries. I put a pencil on it because it's showing that I like to draw during my free time. I put music notes on it because I like to listen to music and I also like to sing. I put the Reese's logo on it because my favorite candy is Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. I put the number 5 on there because 5 is my favorite number and it's also my lucky number. I put a volleyball on here because volleyball is one of my favorite sports. I put a rose on here because my favorite flowers are roses. I put a skull on there because it represents my favorite character, Jack Skellington from the movie Nightmare Before Christmas, one of my favorite movies. Finally, I put NYC on here because I want to go to NYC someday. I think one thing I could do better is the neatness of the artwork. One thing I think I did great on here is was the objects.


This is my Dry-Point Etching. I don't really know why I chose this picture, I just like cats so I guess that's why I chose this picture. One thing that I like about is the detail that I used on the cat. I think one thing I could do better is that I maybe could've done better figuring out what else I could put for my background.


This is my Pet Illustration. I was going to do my pet illustration with a cat and a bunny but I figured that that picture was going to take way too long for me to do so I just decided to do a simple bunny so it wouldn't take too long. One thing that I think that I did well was the colors that I used to make it look like a bunny. One thing that I think that I could've done better was the amount of detail, I think that I could've took more time and put more detail into the bunny.


These are both of my mood boards. The one on the left is for a poster and the one on the right is for a t-shirt. For the poster one, I think that one thing I like about it is the colors and the details I put on the pictures. One thing I could change about it is the way I drew the objects, I think I could've done this earlier instead of procrastinating. For the t-shirt one, I think that one thing that I like is also the colors and details I put in it. Finally, one thing that I could change about it is the way I drew the objects. Again, like I said, I wish that I took my time and didn't procrastinate in doing the assignment. 


This is my design for the T-Shirt. On the left is the rough draft for it and on the right is the final product of it. One thing I like about it is the color and design I chose to do for this. One thing I think I could do better is at the bottom of the design, I wanted to add drips and I think I could've done better on those and I think I could've done better on making the design more neater.

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate

This is my design for the Poster. On the left is the rough draft for it and on the right is the final product of it. One thing that I like about it are the colors that I used for it. One thing that I think I could've done better is I could've taken my time and maybe could've done something better instead of doing this at the last minute.  

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